Save money. Save time. Clean your address data. Reduce waste. Get your mail delivered faster. Address Change Service We’re very excited about the many benefits of the Address Change Service (ACS) offered by the Postal Service. Here’s how it works: After your mailing drops, the USPS provides any change-of-address and other non-delivery information to you[...]
Maintaining excellent data hygiene is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance. Here are three areas where you can proactively improve your organization’s data quality: Rented lists – Responders to acquisition mailings subsequently get added to a donor database. Make sure all merge/purge processing uses the highest quality, most complete set of hygiene products. That[...]
The 2019 Bridge to Integrated Marketing and Fundraising Conference is quickly approaching. Join more than 2,500 fundraising and marketing professionals July 10-12 at the Gaylord National Hotel and Conference Center for days filled with networking, workshops, panels, and more. With the large variety of exhibitors in the Solutions Showcase, you’re sure to find new companies[...]
8 levels of highly customized data processing means greater campaign performance.
The USPS will begin using a new Move Update validation process which could impact your budget. It allows them to better identify and penalize mailers who do not practice solid data hygiene. Here’s the breakdown of the changes. What does this mean for mailers? As you know, in order to receive postal discounts, the records on[...]
We’re so happy to welcome Linda Gottzandt to the MMI Direct team. She comes to us with years of data processing experience and has worked with many of our team members at other companies. She’s spent the last few years being a mom but has jumped back into work with both feet. She loves to[...]
It’s always difficult to know when to remove a previous donor from your mailing list. They obviously cared enough about your mission to donate at least once in the past; surely if you reach them with a beautifully-crafted appeal, they’ll give again, right? Unfortunately, the answer is “not necessarily”. There’s a science to determining when[...]
He’s planned for it and dreamed about it; the time has come for our friend and valued co-worker Bob Jones to retire. Bob has been an account manager at MMI Direct for nearly 11 years. We love him, his clients love him and his bosses love him. He has been an important part of our[...]
Once upon a time, Tricia was an account manager working in merge purge processing but left us in 2008 to start a family. Recently, she returned as a list conversion analyst and she tells us she’s loving her new role and all the people, “It was great to come back to MMI; it’s like returning[...]
You probably receive several reports from your merge purge service provider during the course of preparing a file for a new direct mail campaign. Although they look confusing at first glance, these reports actually contain a lot of interesting information. Read on for a short course in how to read them. Merge Purge Summary Report: [...]