We’re excited to welcome a new data expert, Karin Haag, to the MMI Direct team as List Coordinator.
With more than 26 years of experience in the data processing industry, Karin brings with her an understanding of just how important merge/purge and data hygiene are to the success of campaigns and missions. She thrives on cleaning up files and enjoys using her superpower Excel skills to help solve problems to advance success for clients.
When she’s not converting data on her keyboard, Karin enjoys reading, baking, hiking, gardening, eating, and traveling.
She lives in Oregon with her husband and son. She and her son are on a quest to fine-tune the best chocolate chip cookie recipe ever. While there is some debate about crispy, chewy, cake-like, or crispy edges with a soft middle sometimes the cookie dough never even makes it to the oven. She and her son have been known to simply eat all the raw cookie dough. (Who doesn’t love raw cookie dough?) The recipe that always finds its way to the oven is the bread she makes weekly for the family. We’re guessing her house always smells good!
Late this fall she embarks on a trip to Antarctica and is currently in pursuit of the best waterproof gear and the best solution to prevent motion sickness. We wish you fair winds and following seas for your trip and your transition to our team! Happy to have you aboard.