A good merge purge process means having a list poised to perform
It’s the combination of technology and expertise which maximizes what software can accomplish. On a personalized client-by-client, project-by-project basis, matching criteria is developed to yield the best possible results. This is where we earn our reputation as being data craftsmen; not just processors.
Selection & Segmentation – We are able to select and segment lists based upon any client requirement. Our attention to detail and strict quality control standards are what sets us apart in this important process.
Postal Discount Processing – Utilizing PAVE-certified software and decades of experience, we are consistently able to maximize postal discounts for our clients.
Customized Outputs – With our software, experience and skill, MMI Direct can customize our client’s data in nearly any format they desire.
Consultation – Getting reports is one thing, knowing how to read and use them is another. Your team will help you use the data we uncover to make constant tweaks to your mail or email program to increase its profitability.